Home Mobile Development with Xamarin

Mobile Development with Xamarin

I was reconsidering an old notebook I was using in 2012 when in a previous company and that they left to me when I changed job. Is is already a good notebook with Windows 10 Pro onboard. So I decided to reset it and install Visual Studio 2019 with Xamarin in order to try it for mobile development.

After notebook reset to factory windows 10 pro, I started with windows updates and finally installed different tools and Visual Studio 2019 with Xamarin.

Then I started from here:

This guy is amazing:
James Montemagno
Live, Love, Bike, and Code.

I crush code and share it, publish NuGet packages, speak at conferences, upload videos, pretend I am good at playing video games, micro blog, tweet up a storm, drink gallons of coffee, and ride my bike. Checkout my monthly newsletter that you should subscribe to!

Blog Engine:
Proudly published with Ghost. Branding and design by Cinder Design Co.

He is also member of Planet Xamarin, an aggregator of content from Xamarin Community members.

Interesting Stuff:

  • Free C# and Xamarin for Beginners Videos Series
  • Conference Mobile App - The Conference app is full of awesome and includes everything that you would expect from a spectacular conference application. Open up src/Conference.sln, which contains the iOS, Android, and Windows project. Simply restore your NuGet packages and build the application. It will run out of the box and will work off of a sample backend that we have published. This repo contains a full backend that you can deploy to your own Azure App Service Mobile App Backend.
  • Hanselman.Forms - Hanselman Everywhere. The most awesome Hanselman app built originall in about 4 hours to showcase a sample of Xamarin.Forms. Be sure to read Scott’s blog on the app: Xamarin.Forms - Write Once, Run Everywhere, AND Be Native? (May 28, 2014).
  • Meetup Manager for Organizers - Are you a Meetup organizer? Have you ever wanted a way to easily allow your members to check in at your meetups even if you are offline? Have you found it frustrating to try to do giveaways without knowing who is at your event?? Meetup Manager is your solution! Meetup Manager was created by @JamesMontemagno organizer of the Seattle Mobile .NET Developers Group to solve the problems listed above. With Meetup Manager simply login with your Meetup credentials, browse a list of your groups and events. Once you select an event you can see all of the members that have RSVPed to the event and allow them to check in by selecting their name. Need to do a giveaway? Simply press one button and Meetup Manager will select a random attendee from who has checked in to the event. Source Code on GitHub

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